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Banque du Liban/ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL DATA/(c) All rights reserved


Series Details

Main Series Foreign Assets of Banque du Liban
Data Series Foreign Assets of Banque du Liban
Source Banque du Liban
DataSeries_Notes End of Period. Starting Nov 2017, the BDL Foreign Assets include the Lebanese Government's Sovereign Bonds issued in Foreign Currencies.
Period TOTAL (Excluding Gold) in Millions of LBP o/w Securities in Millions of LBP Gold in Millions of USD Foreign Currencies in Millions of USD o/w Foreign Currencies in Millions of LBP TOTAL (Excluding Gold) in Millions of USD Securities in Millions of USD Gold in Millions of LBP
Feb/2024 1325273716 441272491 18746 9877 884001224 14808 4930 1677748466
Jan/2024 1307104530 439348975 18792 9696 867755555 14605 4909 1681908480
Dec/2023 218260030 73630402 19166 9642 144629628 14551 4909 287481142
Nov/2023 214530268 73927861 18799 9374 140602408 14303 4929 281982321
Oct/2023 212518184 75472175 18423 9136 137046009 14168 5031 276350698
Sep/2023 209829227 76189645 17261 8909 133639582 13989 5079 258908022
Aug/2023 208533336 76187035 17931 8823 132346301 13902 5079 268960835
Jul/2023 207166285 75788664 18037 8759 131377621 13812 5053 270548923
Jun/2023 214735611 75375760 17746 9291 139359851 14316 5025 266191366
May/2023 217045204 71184188 18063 9724 145861016 14470 4746 270943178
Apr/2023 217002838 71046439 18292 9730 145956399 14467 4736 274382189
Mar/2023 216292563 72114329 18227 9612 144178233 14420 4808 273398626
Feb/2023 221188762 72054208 16696 9942 149134554 14746 4804 250441912
Jan/2023 22605402 7236091 17571 10195 15369311 14995 4800 26487803
Dec/2022 22905482 7230271 16651 10398 15675210 15194 4796 25101984
Nov/2022 22910251 7225809 16229 10404 15684442 15198 4793 24465658
Oct/2022 23047029 7069320 15141 10599 15977710 15288 4689 22825003
Sep/2022 22476445 6227457 15419 10779 16248988 14910 4131 23244308
Aug/2022 22245401 6223796 15995 10628 16021606 14756 4129 24112113
Jul/2022 22885400 6221631 16266 11054 16663769 15181 4127 24520991
Jun/2022 23137502 6217959 16729 11224 16919544 15348 4125 25219462
May/2022 24162797 6339769 17086 11823 17823028 16028 4205 25756800
Apr/2022 24515726 6335692 17651 12060 18180034 16263 4203 26609035
Mar/2022 24861499 6331626 17744 12292 18529873 16492 4200 26749452
Series Identifier Code 275
First Observation Dec/2001
Last Observation Feb/2024
Total Observations 267
Last Update 26/05/2021