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Banque du Liban/ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL DATA/(c) All rights reserved

Series Details

Main Series Monetary Aggregates and Counterparts
Data Series Term Deposits in LBP
Main Series Notes The compilation of the monetary aggregates and their counterparts is based on the consolidated balance sheets of depository corporations.
Source Banque du Liban
Data Series Notes End of Period
Period In Billions of LBP
Feb/2024 15035.3
Jan/2024 15036.2
Dec/2023 15337.7
Nov/2023 15178.7
Oct/2023 15379.8
Sep/2023 15189.7
Aug/2023 15641.1
Jul/2023 15865.5
Jun/2023 16054
May/2023 16475.6
Apr/2023 17220.5
Mar/2023 17204.2
Feb/2023 17620.5
Jan/2023 17881.4
Dec/2022 17802.2
Nov/2022 17852.6
Oct/2022 17910.3
Sep/2022 17516.3
Aug/2022 17897.8
Jul/2022 18172.9
Jun/2022 18619.6
May/2022 19021.2
Apr/2022 19344.1
Mar/2022 19689.2
Series Identifier Code 279
First Observation Jan/2017
Last Observation Feb/2024
Total Observations 86
Last Update 26/05/2021